Wednesday, 6 February 2008


Damn! What is that smell? I seem to say that to myself every day!!

I read the other day that HULL (UK), had a “very interesting smell, depending on the weather”!

I would not go so far as to say it was interesting, more like DISGUSTING!

Number one culprit are the Leather Tanneries.


Hides and skins seem to give off a lingering stench, particularly bad in the mornings around the Wincolmlee area of the city!

Cocoa Mills you would imagine, would smell yummy like chocolate! Unfortunately not, the burnt acrid whiff floats over Hull regularly and would put you off chocolate for life!


Linseed Oil extraction plants based in the East of the city, near the river, give off a very pungent smell blown across the city on windy days.

Hull used to be a fishing port, but no longer, instead, at high tide the smell of salty cold water fills your lungs - not sure if that is a nice smell or not - it’s a matter of opinion. Low tide smells pretty foul too!


I am horrified to find and smell this on the pavement..


....and this gross mound on the road!!


I later spotted the culprit!


Finally, a smell we are all greeted with every day we visit the town shopping. A sewerage smell emulating from the poor drainage system under the shops positioned at the top of Whitefriargate. The fumes are particularly noxious and nauseating.

So do you live in a smelly city?, I know do!!


Kelsie said...

Sorry to hear about the smell!

However, thank you very much for visiting my blog! I really appreciate your kind comment as well!

Annie Wicking said...

Very interesting blog you have here. Keep it up and post lots more of your great photographs. Show and share the real Hull with us all.

Best wishes,

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